
Anim-it is written in C++, with multi-platforms libraries.
At this stage it's only runnable on Linux.

The libraries used on this project are Qt (for the moment, but i will probably change it for GTK later), SFML, Boost.

Qt is a cross-platform window library which allows to create windows and user interfaces.

SFML is a cross-platform multimedia library that is used for manipulating images, sounds, and all visual effects on the software. It is used for the animation preview, and will be used for rendering the animation into avi files.

Boost provides many utilities for programming, such as smart pointers, easy callbacks management, and lots of other features that are very useful.

For compiling I use Cmake, a building tool. It is used as a scripting language to generate Makefiles or other project files (for Codeblocks, Visual Studio, or many others...)

I use Geany as my main text editor. I chose it because of the plenty of its features. I mainly appreciate the code completion, the lua scripting engine for designing macros, the symbol view, the code manipulation features that allows fast programming and most of all the ability to (once the program set up) to write code without using the mouse, that finally saves a good amount of time