Thursday 30 December 2010

Why did Cmake was choosen for this project?

Cmake, an advanced building utility, allows to generate Anim-it's makefiles easily. These makefiles are used to compile the project from source code to binary executable code.

But this is not the only feature Cmake have. This tool can generate lots of project files for lots of EDIs (such like CodeBlocks, Visual Studio, and many others...)
This is a really nice advantage : the Anim-it project is supposed to be a quite big one, so it may be useful to have the ability to generate project files for several OS and development softwares. Currently the only one developer is using Linux, but in the future it could be an other one which needs the project to run on Windows for example. In that way it is possible to generate a Visual Studio project file. In addition, Cmake provides a dynamic way to add libraries, with the module system : modules can find a library checking where they commonly are located on each operating system. In this way, you don't have to configure the project depending on your operating system for linking and compiling. You don't waste time and efforts making your project compile on Linux, MacOS or Windows.

Cmake also provides various utilities, for adding all files that are in one directory (even if you add files after!), checking libraries versions, display warning and errors while looking for libraries and many others...

One example of handy utility for that project was the ability to generate Qt MOC files : when you are using Qt (it is currently the case for this project), you need to execute a command to generate some kind of files before compiling. On Codeblocks, all the explainations found on the Internet were quite unclear and it was not handy at all to setup the automatic launch of the command before compiling. With Cmake, even if it seems more complicated at the beginning, once done, it works well and it is possible to add files to MOC really simply.

One last great advantage for that project : because Cmake can generate makefiles, all the compiling process could be done in one command line, that never change (basically something like "cmake . && make" on Linux based OS). In that way you can setup any text editor as your EDI. For example, Geany, a text editor, was setted up like that for that project : once Geany's build commands changed, the compile button can compile the whole project with all its files and libraries!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

The how and the why...

First of all, if I want to write things about the project, I need to present myself. I am a 22 years old man who really likes computer sciences and drawing. I was looking for a way to combine drawing and computer science since my youth.

I was working as a web developer during my studies, but I was looking for other things to do in the computing universe.

That's why I oriented myself in the application programming side.

I used to use Photoshop for a long time, for drawing with a pen tablet. But one day, I discovered the world of Linux. This operating system, despite its convenient side for programming, wasn't very handy for its drawing tools (and let Photoshop run on linux is sometimes not convenient at all). Then I discovered MyPaint. It is a great software for people who only want to sketch on their computers, as I do. It provides easy access to simple draw functions, brush sets, and haven't got many Photoshop features like scripting management, advanced hue settings, which are not very helpful for a standard drawer.

It gave me the idea to create the same kind of software for animation world. Of course, there are plenty of animation tools on the market, but no one seems to be very user friendly for people who don't need very advanced features, and who didn't spent many years studying these softwares.

The first goal of this project is to be very user friendly. The user don't have to spend lots of time looking for features... Sometimes new Adobe After Effects users just spend lots of hours to learn how to add an image on their animation and manipulate them. This is exactly what I want to avoid.

I hope this project will reach its goals, and I hope I could distribute it and make people having fun with it.

Monday 29 November 2010

Anim-it, a handy tool for making 2D animations, easier...

The software is still in development. Currently, this is a student project, but the student (me, obviously), really fancies to make a public distribution.

Basically, it will depends how the thing goes on during the next few months. But it grows up quickly for the moment, so think I will be able to make a complete software. At least with basic functionalities. For the rest, let's see what's happening on this blog until the first public release!

So, about the development time. I think I will be able to publish a beta version between April and July. But it is only expectations. But be sure I will really get involve on this project, at least until next summer.

I'll write another post soon (well, as soon as I can) to describe the current features, the must-do ones, what I really fancy to do, and what I will need to bring out of my mind.

To finish, a last word that I would like to say. Just come to see me again on this blog if you are keen on this project, and above all don't hesitate to share your ideas with me (i will write the mail address of the project soon on the right side panel).

That's all folks!